Nowadays, every small and big business owners have their own website and many of them are trying their best to promote their business through their websites. Now, if we talk about website promotion, some are investing huge capital for website promotion and out of which, some get returns on what they have invested and others don’t. What about the others who have just started their business and don’t have huge capital to invest for promotion? How can they run their business online? Through this blog, I will try my best to share the idea how you can promote your business online at no or very small investment.
Before I start, I just want to share few things with you. We all are aware that unless and until we don’t have any relevant traffic to our website, the promotion is of no use. SEO and PPC are the most common promotional techniques which we are using today to promote our website, and both SEO and PPC campaign do the same thing; they drive traffic to our websites, and the traffic quality depends upon how the campaign is managed and run. Now, what if I told you that you can drive huge and relevant traffic to your website without doing SEO or PPC campaign? Yes you read it right. You can drive good traffic to your website and promote your business online all by yourself at no or very small investment.
How ?
The answer is through social media. Today, we have many social networking sites, and the most popular ones are Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and Google+. Every 18 year and above individual around the world are connected to these social networking sites, which connect us with our family, friends, colleagues and even the person who lives next door. Let me explain it to you, by taking an example of Facebook, how we can drive huge traffic to our website through Facebook.
We all use Facebook, get update about our family and friends. No matter they are living in a different corner of the world, but Facebook connects us with them. Now let’s talk about the structure of Facebook.
You create an account on Facebook at no cost, you send request to people, you accept the request of people and this way, you increase your network and thus whatever posts you are updating on your account are visible to your friends who are in your network, and if they like your update then the same is viewable to your friends’ network and this chain goes on and on. So, the final result is that the post which you have uploaded on your Facebook wall is viewed or liked by 100000 or more people(just an example) –however, total people in your network is around 400 and 500 –thus making your post popular in the online world. Another most popular feature of Facebook is that you can find groups of your similar interest in Facebook where you will find persons linked in a group with a similar interest and there you can find or share information in the form of post. Images, videos, etc. and can find new friends, too.
Now let’s talk about it through business perspective
Facebook allows you to create Facebook fan page, which is generally an official page and you can promote the same. So, all you have to do is create a Facebook fan page for your business. It hardly takes 10 minutes to create a Facebook fan page. Once you are done with creating the fanpage, you just have to update the fan page by sharing or uploading some post with a link to your website; the post can be in the form of text in which you can share some great features or offers about your business; it can be in the form of infographics or videos. Posting a post takes merely 5 minutes, and it’s recommended to post twice a day. Also, you can ask people in your network to like your fan page separately. Now, as discussed above, all the updates on the fan-page will be viewable to the people in your network and each like or share by the individuals on your network will make it visible on their walls and their network will be able to see your fan-page updates and thereby driving traffic to your page.
Facebook drives traffic to your website without investing any capital on promotion. The requisites are:
• Facebook account
• Facebook fan page
• Post in the form of text and updates
Also, there are many online tools available such as hootsuite which can schedule your post to the date and time as per your request automatically; thereby, making the job much easier as it will post the update on your social accounts automatically, saving you a lot of time.
I just explained you in brief how you can use Facebook to drive traffic and you can well imagine if you can optimize Twitter, Linked In and Google+ then you can drive relevant traffic to your website at no or minimum investments. Social media optimization is highly recommended to all the business owners who have just started their business or those who don’t have adequate capital to invest on promotion.
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